Improvement in Health and Heath Care (IHHC) Overview
IHHC was formerly known as “Improvement in Medical Practice” (IMP).
Each pathologist must participate in at least two PI/QA activities or programs per two-year period appropriate for their principal professional activities. An activity option can only be reported once per year. The only exception is the ABMS Portfolio Program which will count for every year cover by an activity’s reported duration.
- Participated in CLIA mandated cytology proficiency testing and passed.
- Was an inspector for a Laboratory Accreditation Agency.
- Meaningfully participated in a departmental or institutional quality committee (e.g., transfusion, infection control, patient safety, etc.).
- Participated in an ABPath-approved slide review program (e.g., CAP’s PIP, ASCP’s CheckPath, etc.).
- Participated in a QA/PI program sponsored by your institution/department approved by ABPath for IHHC credit.
- Participated in a society-sponsored QA/PI program which counts for IHHC.
- Engaged in one or more activities to better understand the COVID-19 virus.
- Participated in an activity reported through the ABMS Portfolio Program.
- Implemented a Choosing Wisely, and/or other test utilization, recommendation/initiative at your practice or institution.
- Participated in a Joint Commission OPPE at your practice or institution approved by ABPath for IHHC credit.
- Submit at least 21 items into the ABPath CertLink© voluntary item submission process.
- Complete an activity through an organization which is an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) for an Alternative Payment Model (APM).
- Referring a case to the Consumer Product Safety Commission regarding a death that may have been preventable.
- Referring a case to the NTSB or OSHA which was related to patient care.
- A peer reviewed publication that improves practice or patient care (first, second, or senior author). This activity counts as a PI/QA activity for the year of publication.
- Program Director or Associate Program Director for an ACGME-accredited residency or fellowship program who initiates an activity that improves medical education.
Individual (PI/QA) Activity Approval Forms
Application forms are available below for approval of departmental PI/QA activities or OPPE that are not part of a previously-approved program. These forms and supporting documentation should be submitted to ABPath for approval determination before being reported by the diplomate to meet the IHHC requirement.
ABPath reserves the right to audit a pathologist’s participation in PI/QA activities and may require documentation to be submitted by the diplomate.