Program Directors

Program Directors and Coordinators

Instructions/Information for Primary (AP and/or CP) Program Directors and Coordinators

Resident Tracking

Resident Tracking/Management is the starting point for your resident’s information to be provided to the American Board of Pathology (ABPath) for board certification. Resident Tracking/Management opens in July annually for the new academic year. An email reminding you to login to PATHway will be sent to the current email address listed for the Program Director and Program Coordinator.

Please remember the following:

    • There is one login for each program. The Program Director and Program Coordinator share the login. All Program Directors should have received a username and password to access PATHway to Resident Tracking. If you have not received this information, please e-mail [email protected] and include your full name and the program’s ACGME name.

    • Program Directors cannot use the “Create Username” or “Forgot Username/Password” link to access their program login information.


    • All correspondence from ABPath will be via email, so please be sure that your email address is correct in the Program Profile.

Please direct any problems or questions to [email protected]. When emailing, include your name, the program’s ACGME name, and if applicable, the resident or fellow’s name.

Program Performace Reports

The reports are available in January of each year and will provide information about the previous 7 years. The previous year’s board exam pass/fail for residents will be available at this time.

It is important to review program performance reports and check for inaccuracies. If inaccuracies are noted, please contact [email protected] immediately.

Performance Reports cannot be corrected after Feb. 28.

Important Dates and Deadlines for Program Directors

Dates and Deadlines

Resident Management/Tracking

July 1

Resident Management/Tracking opens

Sept. 1

Deadline to submit Resident Management/Tracking

Resident Application/Evaluations

Spring Examination Session

Sept. 15

Application links available in the residents’ PATHway account

Jan. 15

Residents deadline to submit an application

Feb. 15

Deadline for Program Director to approve application and complete evaluation

Fall Examination Session

Feb. 16

Application links available in the residents’ PATHway account

May 15

Residents deadline to submit an application

June 15

Deadline for Program Director to approve application and complete evaluation

Subspecialty Examinations

Feb. 16

Application links available in the fellows’ PATHway account

May 15

Fellows, deadline to submit an application

June 15

Deadline for Program Director to approve application and complete evaluation

Resident Orientation Presentation

The presentation below provides a basic overview of board certification through ABPath to present to your residents during their training. Complete requirement details can be found in the Booklet of Information that should be reviewed annually for the most current information.

Download the Powerpoint or present the video below. The Powerpoint is a “read only” presentation. Please choose that option upon download.

ABPath’s Histology Primer

The American Board of Pathology’s primer offers easy-to-navigate learning modules with written text and mini-lectures with slides. At the end of each module, residents can test their knowledge with a short quiz. The Primer also offers an opportunity for them to become familiar with using virtual microscopy, the digital viewing of microscopic images, like those used in board certification exams.

Resident should create their account at