ABPath CertLink

ABPath CertLink

ABPath’s Continuing Certification Program Assessment

ABPath CertLink® (ABPCL) is an online longitudinal assessment designed to support continuous learning and professional development. If you were certified in 2006 or later, you are registered for ABPCL as a part of the Continuing Certification (CC) Program although ABPCL is open to any diplomate of the American Board of Pathology (ABPath).

This will be the only option for meeting the CC Assessment requirement for maintaining certification. Meeting ABPCL performance and participation requirements will satisfy the Assessment requirement for all certifications registered.

If you are completing a fellowship you must participate in ABPath CertLink and submit your two-year CC Reporting form per the CC Booklet of Information.

ABPCL status and all other aspects of the CC Program can be found in PATHway. For assistance or questions regarding ABPCL, email [email protected]

What is a Longitudinal Assessment?

A longitudinal assessment is designed to assess an individual’s knowledge over time. Answering groups of questions every three months allows the assessment to be continuous, identify knowledge gaps, promote educational opportunities, and allow for remediation.

Using ABPCL to Meet the CC Assessment Requirement

Diplomates should:

  • Design their assessment to best fit their knowledge and practice.
  • Complete the assigned ABPCL questions each quarter. If you miss three or more quarters in a two-year reporting period and they have not been approved as sabbaticals, your certification status will be reported as “Not participating in Continuing Certification ”.
  • Use any resources available to them while answering a question other than talking to another person.
  • Read the critique after answering a question.
  • Agree to maintain a fair and secure assessment process.
  • If you find that you will be unable to answer questions for a quarter, you are eligible to request up to two quarters off (sabbaticals – non-scored quarters) during the two-year reporting period. Please contact [email protected] to request a sabbatical before the quarter deadline date.

How Do I Access ABPCL

New Diplomates

Diplomates will be automatically registered in ABPCL after successful completion of ABPath Primary and/or Subspecialty certification exams as a part of their enrollment in the CC Program. Look for emails in December of the year of your certification for how to get started the following January. After you begin participating, ABPCL can be accessed by logging in through the ABPath homepage or by logging in directly at abpath.mycertlink.org.

New diplomates can also check out Getting Started – ABPath CertLink for helpful tips on how to begin answering questions.

Non-Time-Limited Diplomates (Lifetime certificate holders)

Diplomates who were certified prior to 2006 may participate in ABPCL with no jeopardy to their certification. Registration is free for Lifetime certificate holders. Please email [email protected] to get started.

How Does ABPCL Work?

  • Between 10-15 questions are assigned every three months.
  • Questions may be answered at any time during a quarter. All questions do not have to be completed at the same time.
  • Any resource may be used to answer a question except speaking with another person.
  • Each question has a five-minute time limit and must be answered once started.
  • Immediate feedback is given after answering a question including a critique explaining the answer choices.
  • A second attempt is offered after answering a question incorrectly. ABPath encourages the use of the second attempt after reading the critique provided. This works as part of ABPCL’s built-in feedback and knowledge reinforcement methods. This second attempt is for educational purposes only and does not change the original answer.

For complete information please see the ABPCL Requirements page.

Can I Participate in ABPCL if I Do Not Have to Maintain My Certification?

Yes! ABPath encourages diplomates who hold lifetime certifications (Non-Time-Limited Diplomates) to answer ABPCL questions. Lifetime diplomates are also able to claim CME credit for their participation.

Non-Time-Limited Diplomates who are interested in participating in ABPCL should email ABPath at [email protected].

Claiming CME Credits for ABPCL Participation

If you are participating in ABPath CertLink® (ABPCL), you can claim up to 4 CME credits per year for successful participation. The credits may be claimed from February to December during the year following your participation through the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) in collaboration with the American Board of Pathology (ABPath). You do not have to be a member of ASCP to claim these credits.

For Participation in 2024 – Diplomates will be eligible for 1 CME credit per quarter. This modification is due to the reduction in the number of CertLink questions assigned per quarter, implemented in 2023 as part of the ABPCL Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement Initiative.

Claim CME for ABPCL participation in 2024 through March 31, 2026.

For Participation in 2023 – Credit is 1.25 hours per completed quarter, which is defined as attempting all questions assigned by ABPCL for that quarter. There is a $19 processing fee payable to ASCP to receive your CME credits. Make sure your colleagues who also answered ABPCL questions last year know to claim their credit!

Claim CME for ABPCL participation in 2023 through March 31, 2025.

Instructions on How to Claim your CME Credits

ABPCL CME Information and Disclosure to Learners

ABPCL Questions

ABPath CertLink (ABPCL) questions are submitted by Volunteer Item Writers who are diplomates of the ABPath. Each question (item) is carefully reviewed by a medical editor and a second subject matter expert for accuracy. The ABPath CEO finalizes and approves each item before it is admitted for use in ABPCL.

Contact Us! For assistance or questions regarding ABPCL, email [email protected].