
Hematopathology Exam Description

The examination in hematopathology is a one-day, computer-based examination consisting of combined Written and Practical sections and Virtual Microscopy (VM) sections. There are no glass slides, only VM. The examination is administered as follows:

Hematopathology ExamTotal Number of QuestionsTotal Time
 Written/Practical Sections 2204 Hrs. 25 Mins
Virtual Mictoscopy452 Hrs. 39 Mins

All questions are multiple-choice and in the one-best-answer format. The questions are designed to measure the candidate’s body of knowledge and problem-solving ability. The practical examination includes blood and bone marrow smears, imprints, and tissue sections.

Subject areas covered include, but are not limited to:

  • Methodology
  • Hematopoiesis
  • Erythrocyte disorders
  • Leukocyte disorders
  • Lymph node disorders
  • Blood vessels and hematologic disorders
  • Platelets and platelet disorders
  • Blood coagulation
  • Patient care decision making and consultation

ABPath would like candidates to please note the Revised 4th Edition (2016) WHO classification for hematolymphoid neoplasms will be used for the 2023 Primary and Subspecialty examinations. Starting in 2024, candidates will need to be familiar with both the 2022 International Consensus Classification system and the 5th Edition of the WHO Classification.

Subspecialty Exam Blueprints and Daily Schedules