Diplomates are expected to remain current in the CC Program by satisfactorily completing all CC requirements and meeting all CC deadlines.
Diplomates who do not meet CC Program requirements by the given deadline will be publicly reported as “Not Participating in Continuing Certification”. Diplomates who are not participating will be expected to meet certain requirements the year following the participation status change. This year is referred to as a “one-year grace period.” Diplomates who are not participating in CC and do not meet their grace year requirements will have their certification(s) in the CC Program publicly reported as expired.
A diplomate may appeal to ABPath according to the standard appeals procedure at any point in the CC process if they believe that the CC standards have been unfairly or inappropriately applied.
Failure to meet a reporting form submission deadline will result in the diplomate’s certification status being reported as “Not Participating in Continuing Certification”.
The diplomate will have until December 31st after the reporting form submission deadline during which to submit the form and become current in CC participation. Once the grace period has ended, if the past due reporting form has not been submitted, any certificates in the CC Program will expire. The certification(s) will be publicly reported as “NOT CERTIFIED”.
Failure to complete the assigned ABPCL questions each quarter. If you miss three or more quarters in a two-year reporting period and they have not been approved as sabbaticals, your certification status will be reported as “Not Participating in Continuing Certification”.
The diplomate will have a grace year at the start of the next two-year period in which to participate in at least three quarters of ABPCL. Once the grace period has ended, if at least three quarters have not been completed, any certificates in the CC Program will expire. The certification(s) will be publicly reported as “NOT CERTIFIED”.
Quarters approved for sabbatical will count towards a diplomate’s ABPCL participation.
If certification(s) expire due to a diplomate not participating in the CC Program, the diplomate will have two years in which to complete the Reinstatement process. The specific steps of the reinstatement process are determined by the missed CC Program requirements that lead to certification expiration. Please contact the board for information specific to your situation if you would like to begin the reinstatement process. Reinstatement cannot occur if a certification’s Assessment requirement has not been met within ten years after issuance.
The diplomate must pass the initial board certification examination, or an approved course of educational remediation, in order to become certified again if reinstatement does not occur within two years after expiration of certification.