
Training Requirement for Non-ABPath Diplomates

17:40 21 November in Training

November 21, 2022 – The ABPath is pleased to announce a change in the training requirement for physicians certified by other ABMS member boards who would like to be certified in Blood Bank Transfusion Medicine, Medical Microbiology, Chemical Pathology, or Hematopathology by the ABPath.

Diplomates certified by an ABMS member board other than ABPath must only complete one year (12 months) of ACGME-accredited training in the subspecialties listed above to be eligible for the subsequent subspecialty exam. This policy supersedes the previous policy that required two years of subspecialty training for non-ABPath diplomates. The requirement for pathologists certified in AP and/or CP by ABPath remains unchanged at 12 months of ACGME-accredited training.

The change was approved at the ABPath Fall 2022 Board of Trustees meeting and will be reflected in the 2023 Booklet of Information.