ABPath Seeking Nominations for New Trustee

TAMPA, Fla., (Feb. 25, 2025) – The American Board of Pathology (ABPath) is soliciting nominations to fill a Trustee position, effective January 1, 2026. We are seeking a nominee with demonstrated executive leadership and/or board governance experience, with particular interest in candidates who have served in leadership roles in physician practices, healthcare organizations, or professional organizations. While traditionally focused on specific pathology subspecialties, we are now prioritizing broader strategic and operational expertise to complement the Board’s existing clinical knowledge base. Self-nominations and nominations of underrepresented minorities are encouraged.
The Board of Trustees is comprised of leaders from the pathology profession who are dedicated to upholding the mission of ABPath to serve the public and advance the profession of pathology by setting certification standards and promoting lifelong competency of pathologists. Outstanding nominees will be considered based on demonstrated strategic leadership, financial acumen, and commitment to advancing the mission of board certification in pathology. We seek engaged leaders who can contribute to effective organizational oversight and long-term sustainability. Ideal candidates will bring collaborative leadership styles, experience in physician oversight, strategic planning capabilities, and knowledge of and commitment to the certification process, continuing certification, and graduate medical education. The ABPath strives for diversity, a balance of academic versus private practice Trustees, and an even geographical distribution. Nominees should be in active practice and must be certified by the ABPath and reside in the United States. The nominee should be participating or willing to participate in Continuing Certification. They must be willing to devote substantial time and effort over the potential 12-year tenure. Trustees of the ABPath may also be appointed to the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Review Committee for Pathology or to an American Board of Medical Specialties Committee. This is an extraordinary opportunity for individuals who are passionate about setting the highest standards for the profession of pathology.
Please submit your nominations (and they can be multiple) with a current curriculum vitae of the nominee(s), to Dr. Matthew Wasco, Secretary of the ABPath, care of [email protected]. Self-nominees should submit a letter of support from a pathology society and/or another ABPath-certified pathologist. All nominations should be submitted no later than May 5, 2025.
More information on the Trustee’s Responsibilities
About the American Board of Pathology
The mission of the American Board of Pathology, as a member of the American Board of Medical Specialties, is to serve the public and advance the profession of pathology by setting certification standards and promoting lifelong competency of pathologists. Founded in 1936, the ABPath accomplishes this mission by establishing certification and continuing certification standards and assessing the qualifications of those seeking to obtain voluntary certification in the specialty of pathology. For more information visit abpath.org or call (813) 286-2444.